Dear student,
Before listing possible dissertation topics, please note that despite what you can see on my research interests page (link), many projects can be tailored to the student’s background and skills. Now, here is the list of possible dissertation topics [with skills required]:
- Narrative experiences in movies: We want to investigate the effect of camera angle/level on viewers’ narrative experiences in the context of character engagement, emotional engagement, narrative presence, moral engagement with characters, and narrative engagement in general [statistics]
- Alzheimer’s Disease trajectories: Running LOD-Brain on the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) and exploring relationships between brain structure volumes and cognitive decline [some coding and statistics]
- Alzheimer’s Disease Classification: Build a classification model to distinguish between healthy individuals and those with Alzheimer’s disease based on MRI scans, potentially identifying early markers of the disease [python and machine learning]
- Cognitive status classification: Does adding MRI and CSF-based biomarkers improve cognitive status classification based on cognitive performance questionnaires? It seems not from this paper, but can we produce better biomarkers? [some coding and statistics]
- Brain Age Prediction: Train a machine learning model to predict an individual’s age based on their brain structure, leveraging MRI data and exploring relationships between brain ageing and cognitive decline [python and machine learning]
- Brain Age Prediction v2: Using a pre-trained DL MRI model for age estimation, explore relationships between predicted age and chronological age and various demographic or clinical factors [some coding and statistics]
- Cortical Thickness analysis: We have a DL model for estimating CT, and we want to explore relationships between CT and ageing in healthy and clinical populations [some coding and statistics]
- Apparent Motion: Using an apparent motion paradigm, we want to replicate the existence and spatiotemporal specificity of the motion masking effect in a digital setting (i.e., online experiment) [statistics]
- MRI brain atlases: Investigate differences between atlases and retinotopic mapping in the visual cortex localisation in native space [python, brain imaging]
Looking forward to speaking with you!